Running Progress

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

6 years & 1 day

Happy day after Tax Day! Tax Day is officially my anniversary with Steve. Been together 6 years, not always perfect, but I do care about him more than anyone else. I bought him the traditional 12 pack of Sam Adams (this time Sam Summer) for each year we have been together...lots a lot of beer. It was waiting for him when he went downstairs yesterday morning.

The day wasn't too great We've been going through a tough time recently and I was truly hoping he would have planned something pretty special to help us both remember why we are together. Didn't happen. He got me a couple of cards, that we pretty cute and funny, and took me to dinner...sushi. Love sushi and this is the place of our first date but it didn't feel special. I had given him a HUGE hint about a Pandora bracelet I wanted. He told me he had thought that we could have gone together to pick it out (my idea), but he never acted on it. Just wasn't the day I was expecting.

Went to the doctor this morning. I have to go for yearly blood work tomorrow (6:30 am b/c I have a 7:30 conference call) and an ultrasound on Friday to make sure my gall bladder is okay. Joy of joys!

Softball starts tonight, not that I can play b/c my shoulder is killing me...may have to go to PT for that.

Maybe someday, something will just feel like its going right... least its supposed to be warm over the next couple of days...

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