Running Progress

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I went for an hour massage last night. Steve had gotten me a gift certificate for a local spa for the holidays last year and I hadn't used it. It was wonderful and I've scheduled another one in 8 weeks, partially b/c I loved it and partially b/c I still have $$ left on the gift certificate. I've found the problem with going for a massage, driving afterwards. :)

Tonight I'm going to dinner at CB's house and then she and I are going to the Spinning Room for the knit in. I know, I know its the high holidays and I'm knitting. I can't go to services (need to belong to a temple for that) and since I can't do that, I figured being with support and wonderful women is a good thing for me. Also, this may be my last knit in for a while b/c my surgery is Tuesday.

So for now, knit on!!!

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