Running Progress

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Some hard times...

I have been avoiding my blog lately...yes it is true. Friday was a very hard day for me and I just haven't had it in me to put it down in words. Loved ones were lost (both canine) by my cousin's family and a co-workers family. A fear I have in the back of my mind that one day it will be my turn to lose mine. A job/career was lost and a life turned upside down because of it. I know its not my problem but he meant so much to me for so long and I don't like to see others in pain (no matter what the circumstances are).

It does show me how fragile we all one day things seem okay and the next, they are not. You cannot be afraid to live and we should live life to the fullest but we should also be prepared if something does not go the way we had hoped or planned. Trust me, I have learned that lesson very well.

So, do me a favor, take a look around and be thankful for all that you have. Take an extra moment to hug someone you care about. Give a loved pet an extra treat or scratch. Then look at yourself and realized how blessed we are to have people who care about us because when things go wrong we need their support...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Helmets are Good

So the death of Natasha Richardson has me a little freaked out and upset. I understand that accidents do happen, but if you can do anything to protect yourself in one you should.

I've been to Tremblant and probably was on the slope she fell on. Its not very steep but it goes to show you that speed and steepness of a slope aren't the only causes of skiing (or boarding) accidents.

Why not wear a helmet? Are you worried about looks? Does it mess up your hair? Honestly, who cares?! The majority of the people on slopes wear helmets. If you would put one on your child, why wouldn't you put one on yourself? Same can be said for bikes.

Sorry to be preachy, but I've fallen while boarding and slammed my head pretty hard and I was VERY happy I was wearing a helmet. I just wonder if this could have been prevented. That said, my sympathies to her family.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


So I just found out that my promotion and title change are official! I had my review on February 24th (Mom's birthday) and it went fantastic. I was told at that time I would be promoted to Contracts Manager. I honestly have been waiting for this for a number of years. I watch as people who remained in my old department that I trained get promoted and year after year I was told I had a great year but wouldn't be promoted and maybe next year.

Well, last year during my review I asked my boss what I needed to do to get a promotion. I was told that he would be pushing for my promotion in the coming year. When our Legal Assistant left last summer and the new one is hired, I brought it up with my boss again. He had the new Legal Assistant report to me which was the first step in getting the promotion. He began to hint that I would have a title change and promotion with this year's review. Well, he came through. Not only did I get the change in title but I also got an 8% raise.

Was the wait worth it? I think so. If I had gotten a promtion sooner I would have either been promoted to a "Senior Contracts Associate" or an "Assistant Contracts Manager" or "Associate Contracts Manager." This way, I got the full jump from the Associate (now Administrator) level to the Manager level.

Having the review on Mom's birthday and getting the promotion really shows me that someone is definetely watching over me. :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy 4th Birthdays!!!

Happy 4th Birthday Brianna and Alex!!! I'm a day late on posting this, but I wanted to make sure it got up on my blog! Its so strange that my BF and cousin had their son and daughter on the exact same day!!! I was able to go to Alex's birthday party on Saturday which was fantastic!!! Good friends, low key and a very happy birthday boy! I hope to get up to NH to see Brianna (and the rest of the clan of course) sometime REAL soon!

Hope you guys had a very happy day!!!