Running Progress

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Helmets are Good

So the death of Natasha Richardson has me a little freaked out and upset. I understand that accidents do happen, but if you can do anything to protect yourself in one you should.

I've been to Tremblant and probably was on the slope she fell on. Its not very steep but it goes to show you that speed and steepness of a slope aren't the only causes of skiing (or boarding) accidents.

Why not wear a helmet? Are you worried about looks? Does it mess up your hair? Honestly, who cares?! The majority of the people on slopes wear helmets. If you would put one on your child, why wouldn't you put one on yourself? Same can be said for bikes.

Sorry to be preachy, but I've fallen while boarding and slammed my head pretty hard and I was VERY happy I was wearing a helmet. I just wonder if this could have been prevented. That said, my sympathies to her family.

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