Running Progress

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Back from the brink...

Its been a crazy week and a half!!!

Last weekend (not this past one, the one before that) I took the 4+ hour drive from NY to NH to visit my darling cousin (but might as well be my sister) Randi and her family. Had an absolute blast! Not only was I able to spend time with Randi, Rich and the girls...we also went down to MA to visit my other cousin Brett and his family. It was a weekend full of happiness, warmth and reconnecting with some of the most important people in my life. The down side? Keep reading

I now am getting over an unconfirmed case of H1N1. Randi's clan had been sick and the youngest was really sick while I was there. So, I got back into town VERY early on Tuesday, went to work and was back home after lunch with a pounding headache, killer sore throat and a fever. I basically didn't move much until Monday morning when I had to get back to work. Of course I moved to take Lupe out and a quick run for soup and supplies, but that was it.

I feel much better, but still not 100%. The fever is long gone and so are the aches, but the cough, sore throat, headaches and lack of energy are not fully gone yet. It was quite the battle and Saturday night I didn't know if I was going to be able to stop coughing or to get the nose to stop bleeding. Obviously, I did and am taking it easy as I fully recover from this.

Looking forward to next week and seeing family for the holiday...organizing a small get together with family on the day after Thanksgiving and hope to see one of my friends from grade school, middle school and high school while we are both "home" for the weekend. Only sad part, miss seeing BF on her birthday...snarf!

Not the most meaninful post, but I'm back which is a good thing. :)


Courtney said...

It's okay sweetie...we're making pies the day before Thanksgiving!!! And you and I baking together usually leaves some pretty funny stories for the future. :-)

Julie said...

ugh, so sorry you caught that! ;( hope you're back to 100% asap. feel better soon!