Having one of those days today and turning to one of my favorite songs of all time, a classic by Johnny Mercer.
"You've got to accentuate the positive,
Elminate the negative,
And latch on to the affirmative,
Don't mess with Mister In-Between.
You've got to spread joy up to the maximum,
Bring gloom down to the minimum,
Have faith or pandemonium's
Liable to walk upon the scene..."
Will be singing this over and over in my head for the next few days...positive thoughts can bring about positive results, that's why I need!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Feeling old today...
Today is the 21st birthday of a friend of mine. Yes, I still have friends turning 21 :)
Emma is the daughter of my friends Adele and Saul who live near me and just amazing people! I met Emma on her 4th birthday...she was one of the kids in the class at the day care center I worked at in college. Emma turned 4 as I was starting my fall semester of my senior year. She's now starting the fall semester of her junior year at Smith, she the captain of their soccer team, and now legal to go and buy herself a drink. How scary is that!!!
I remember my 21st birthday very well. There was no crazy night out, there was no buying myself a drink. On my 21st birthday my Mom came home from the hospital after having 2 massive heart attacks. I was so happy to have her home, but I remember feeling a little cheated. So my aunt bought me a bottle of peppermint schnapps and my cousin and I sat on the front steps of my parents' house and drank grasshoppers. I also remember my mom giving me a stuffed bear with a honey jar with fake honey and bees all over him. She probably bought it at the gift shop in the hospital and it was probably a last ditch effort to hold on to her "little girl". Amazing how life goes sometimes...
Happy birthday Emma and congrats to Adele and Saul for getting this far! Its quite the accomplishment for you all!
Emma is the daughter of my friends Adele and Saul who live near me and just amazing people! I met Emma on her 4th birthday...she was one of the kids in the class at the day care center I worked at in college. Emma turned 4 as I was starting my fall semester of my senior year. She's now starting the fall semester of her junior year at Smith, she the captain of their soccer team, and now legal to go and buy herself a drink. How scary is that!!!
I remember my 21st birthday very well. There was no crazy night out, there was no buying myself a drink. On my 21st birthday my Mom came home from the hospital after having 2 massive heart attacks. I was so happy to have her home, but I remember feeling a little cheated. So my aunt bought me a bottle of peppermint schnapps and my cousin and I sat on the front steps of my parents' house and drank grasshoppers. I also remember my mom giving me a stuffed bear with a honey jar with fake honey and bees all over him. She probably bought it at the gift shop in the hospital and it was probably a last ditch effort to hold on to her "little girl". Amazing how life goes sometimes...
Happy birthday Emma and congrats to Adele and Saul for getting this far! Its quite the accomplishment for you all!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Amazing Monday
Did I really just write that? Guess I did! Why was my Monday so amazing? A few different reasons...
1. I'm getting my first "official" client at work. I will slowly begin transitioning to be the main point of contact for one of the firm's clients. I've been working with them for a while and it seems like the natural progression. I'm already "unofficially" the point of contact for another client, but not sure if that will be made "official" or if it already is.
2. I was invited to a client lunch in a couple of weeks with one of the senior attorneys at the suggestion of one of the principals. My boss can't make it that day, so they thought it would be a good idea to introduce me as a new employee and a potential resource for them.
3. Lupe had another great day at day care. I picked her up and she was limping a little, same issue with her paw as she has had for over a year, but she got over it quickly. I brought her home and figured that she would just be exhausted. She was WIRED! I was in the other room and I could hear her running around and barking. Day care seems to be really good for her.
4. I found a really good sushi place nearby and I got to go there with a friend from Albany who was in the area for business. Good food and good company.
Guess that's it...not to thrilling but I like to find happiness in little things sometimes!!! YEAH!!!
1. I'm getting my first "official" client at work. I will slowly begin transitioning to be the main point of contact for one of the firm's clients. I've been working with them for a while and it seems like the natural progression. I'm already "unofficially" the point of contact for another client, but not sure if that will be made "official" or if it already is.
2. I was invited to a client lunch in a couple of weeks with one of the senior attorneys at the suggestion of one of the principals. My boss can't make it that day, so they thought it would be a good idea to introduce me as a new employee and a potential resource for them.
3. Lupe had another great day at day care. I picked her up and she was limping a little, same issue with her paw as she has had for over a year, but she got over it quickly. I brought her home and figured that she would just be exhausted. She was WIRED! I was in the other room and I could hear her running around and barking. Day care seems to be really good for her.
4. I found a really good sushi place nearby and I got to go there with a friend from Albany who was in the area for business. Good food and good company.
Guess that's it...not to thrilling but I like to find happiness in little things sometimes!!! YEAH!!!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Its official!!!
I'm all registered for October 9th! Now, to just finish training and beat my personal time of 34:12!!!
CelebratePink 5K Road Race & Walk (2010): "CelebratePink 5K Road Race & Walk (2010)"
CelebratePink 5K Road Race & Walk (2010): "CelebratePink 5K Road Race & Walk (2010)"
Monday, August 23, 2010
2 Month Anniversary
I just realized that I moved into my place 2 months ago today! YEAH! Have I finished setting things up? No but I'm working on it. I still have to hang curtains (I have blinds so I haven't felt the need to hang curtains yet) and I need to do something about office/dining room. I need some sort of storage unit (buffet/filing cabinet) but I just can't make up my mind on what I want. It will get done...I have gotten a lot accomplished in 2 months so I'm okay with a few outstanding items.
Heading back to Albany this weekend to see some friends and go to a concert. Its truly the one thing I don't like about being here...missing people so much :( But I really think I've done a great job establishing myself thus far!!! SO BIG!
Heading back to Albany this weekend to see some friends and go to a concert. Its truly the one thing I don't like about being here...missing people so much :( But I really think I've done a great job establishing myself thus far!!! SO BIG!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Yeah, so I've been silent for a really long time...the move has kind of taken a lot of my time and energy but I'm loving the new job and living in this area!
So last night I had dinner with Fridge and the kids, which is always amazing and even more so when we have Richardson's for dessert (www.richardsonsicecream.com). When we got home her son Joseph wanted to show me how he has been practicing riding his bike without his training wheels. He road on the grass a couple of times and then I brought him out on the street. He ended up riding by himself for a little bit and was so proud of himself. A week ago, he was still riding with training wheels and scared to try without them. It was so awesome to see him gain the confidence and just go for it!
Today was my first straight run in my training for a 5k in October. I did two miles, which took me about 23 minutes, and it felt pretty good. My cousin Jill told me she was training for a 5k so I decided to train for one too and then got my cousin Randi on board. Randi and I are planning on running the Celebrate Pink 5k in October (www.celebratepinkevents.org/5k) and Jill even mentioned she would consider coming up from Florida for it. Breast cancer has affected the 3 of us and what better way to show support and love for those who have battled this disease than running with a survivor...now Randi really needs to get her training in gear :)
So last night I had dinner with Fridge and the kids, which is always amazing and even more so when we have Richardson's for dessert (www.richardsonsicecream.com). When we got home her son Joseph wanted to show me how he has been practicing riding his bike without his training wheels. He road on the grass a couple of times and then I brought him out on the street. He ended up riding by himself for a little bit and was so proud of himself. A week ago, he was still riding with training wheels and scared to try without them. It was so awesome to see him gain the confidence and just go for it!
Today was my first straight run in my training for a 5k in October. I did two miles, which took me about 23 minutes, and it felt pretty good. My cousin Jill told me she was training for a 5k so I decided to train for one too and then got my cousin Randi on board. Randi and I are planning on running the Celebrate Pink 5k in October (www.celebratepinkevents.org/5k) and Jill even mentioned she would consider coming up from Florida for it. Breast cancer has affected the 3 of us and what better way to show support and love for those who have battled this disease than running with a survivor...now Randi really needs to get her training in gear :)
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Sad Tuesday
So if the day before lent is Fat Tuesday, today is a Sad Tuesday for me.
Lupe got her last bath and haircut today. I had the groomer shave her down to Chicken Dog because I don't know the next time I will be able to get her groomed. Sue and her family have been so kind to me over the years, fitting us in when they could and always boarding Lupe when I was away (most of the time at Janice's house).
Then we went to the vet to get vaccination records and to sign the release to get her records. I found out that two of the vets are gone. I guess it was a difference of opinions on how things were run but its sad not to be able to say good bye to them. Lupe was a little nervous about being there, but when she realized that there were no shots, no blood draws, no temperature checks she was happy. Yummies help too!
Next I brought her over to meet and say good bye to a couple of people at work. She was adorable and friendly as always. I know none of that sounds too sad, here comes the big one...
MB is out of the office for the rest of the week, so our good bye happened today. We were both crying (and she's not a crier) and couldn't talk. What do you say to a good friend as you leave? Well, she told me she was so proud and happy for me and that she was going to miss me so much. I have some amazing friends here and I'm truly blessed. But saying good bye until you see them again isn't easy. So to MB, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you have done for me personally and professionally. I wish you all the best in life. G-d bless you, Ron, Sarah and Sydney along with the rest of your family. I will never forget you!
Lupe got her last bath and haircut today. I had the groomer shave her down to Chicken Dog because I don't know the next time I will be able to get her groomed. Sue and her family have been so kind to me over the years, fitting us in when they could and always boarding Lupe when I was away (most of the time at Janice's house).
Then we went to the vet to get vaccination records and to sign the release to get her records. I found out that two of the vets are gone. I guess it was a difference of opinions on how things were run but its sad not to be able to say good bye to them. Lupe was a little nervous about being there, but when she realized that there were no shots, no blood draws, no temperature checks she was happy. Yummies help too!
Next I brought her over to meet and say good bye to a couple of people at work. She was adorable and friendly as always. I know none of that sounds too sad, here comes the big one...
MB is out of the office for the rest of the week, so our good bye happened today. We were both crying (and she's not a crier) and couldn't talk. What do you say to a good friend as you leave? Well, she told me she was so proud and happy for me and that she was going to miss me so much. I have some amazing friends here and I'm truly blessed. But saying good bye until you see them again isn't easy. So to MB, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you have done for me personally and professionally. I wish you all the best in life. G-d bless you, Ron, Sarah and Sydney along with the rest of your family. I will never forget you!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Graduation and More Goodbyes
Today Alex (wonderful son of Courtney and Gerard) graduated from preschool. I wasn't at the ceremony, but I did go over for lunch with the family. For all the years that I have known Courtney (15+) and Gerard (10+), their families have been so welcoming and kind to me. So while today was a happy day and huge milestone for Alex, it was bittersweet for me as I had to say goodbye to some special people. I may never see them again, but they will always be in my heart...and I do know that I will hear lots of stories from CB :)
CONGRATULATIONS MOO-MAN! Know that I love you to pieces!!!
CONGRATULATIONS MOO-MAN! Know that I love you to pieces!!!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Birthday and Weekend
So, I'm a little late in wishing myself a happy birthday on my blog! Had a great day on Friday and a wonderful weekend!
Friday Mary Beth took me out to lunch and that evening I went to Dan and Maria's house and Maria, Lisa and I hung out, played Wii and we all had birthday cake. Yes, I made a wish! I got phone calls and facebook messages...it was really nice!
Saturday I got to spin and my gym friends decorated my bike and bought me a Vera Bradley bag full of goodies. They took me out to breakfast afterwards as well. I spent the rest of the day passed out until Kara wanted to go to dinner. We ran into Dan and Maria at dinner :)
Yesterday was the Tour de Cure. It was a horrible day weatherwise, pouring rain, thunder, cold, yuck! I went up and rode 10 miles and had a blast! I cruised through the ride and just enjoyed the scenery and thinking of my mom. Thank you all you supported me with donations and/or encouragement! It means a lot to me!!!
So, I'm trying to not to freak out about the move. I've got so much to do...and I start 3 weeks from today!!! Crazy, but exciting at the same time!!!
Friday Mary Beth took me out to lunch and that evening I went to Dan and Maria's house and Maria, Lisa and I hung out, played Wii and we all had birthday cake. Yes, I made a wish! I got phone calls and facebook messages...it was really nice!
Saturday I got to spin and my gym friends decorated my bike and bought me a Vera Bradley bag full of goodies. They took me out to breakfast afterwards as well. I spent the rest of the day passed out until Kara wanted to go to dinner. We ran into Dan and Maria at dinner :)
Yesterday was the Tour de Cure. It was a horrible day weatherwise, pouring rain, thunder, cold, yuck! I went up and rode 10 miles and had a blast! I cruised through the ride and just enjoyed the scenery and thinking of my mom. Thank you all you supported me with donations and/or encouragement! It means a lot to me!!!
So, I'm trying to not to freak out about the move. I've got so much to do...and I start 3 weeks from today!!! Crazy, but exciting at the same time!!!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Shipping up to Boston
So, its truly official...I'm moving to Boston. I will be working as a contract specialist at a small firm outside of Boston. I've konwn about this firm for a few years now and always hoped they would have an opening and that I could apply for it and get it...and guess what? They did and I did!!! I gave my notice at work, 4 weeks, and will finish up here on June 18th. My first day at my new job is June 28th. I've signed my offer letter, they have countersigned it.
I have found a place this past weekend. I'm just waiting to finalize the lease with the landlord, but I gave him a security deposit, so its mine. I've also informed my current landlord that I will be moving out by June 30th. I'm going to be living in a small one bedroom in West Newton. Its one of 3 units in a house and the landlord lives there with his family. They are very pet friendly and the entire apartment was renovated 2 years ago. Its smaller than what I am used to, so it will be a challenge to down size stuff, but it will be good to get rid of somethings. The neighborhood is amazing. I can walk to resturants, movie theater, food shopping (they actually have a Trader Joe's and a Whole Foods), and take Lupe for walks in a nice neighborhood.
I can't believe that after almost 16 years I'm moving back to Boston! Someone pinch me!!!
I have found a place this past weekend. I'm just waiting to finalize the lease with the landlord, but I gave him a security deposit, so its mine. I've also informed my current landlord that I will be moving out by June 30th. I'm going to be living in a small one bedroom in West Newton. Its one of 3 units in a house and the landlord lives there with his family. They are very pet friendly and the entire apartment was renovated 2 years ago. Its smaller than what I am used to, so it will be a challenge to down size stuff, but it will be good to get rid of somethings. The neighborhood is amazing. I can walk to resturants, movie theater, food shopping (they actually have a Trader Joe's and a Whole Foods), and take Lupe for walks in a nice neighborhood.
I can't believe that after almost 16 years I'm moving back to Boston! Someone pinch me!!!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Not a strong point...
Patience, something that is definitely not a strength of mine. I know I need to be patient but I'm eagerly watching my phone for either an email or a call as a follow up to last Thursday. Its only been a couple of days, I realize that, but this is something I just need to know NOW! Okay, there is my temper tantrum...maybe a little cryptic, but that's on purpose.
I want to know what happened to spring? Last week was cool and we had frost warnings, this weekend was hot and humid, well over 80 degrees. I almost broke down and turned on the A/C, but I resisted and just turned on the small fan in my room. Poor Lupe was pretty hot.
Speaking of Lupe, she is fighting another UTI and conjunctivitis in one eye. This poor dog just can't catch a break. I'm thinking that her getting sick all the time has to have an environmental component because she was never sick like this before we moved into the apartment and even after we moved it wasn't bad until the caretakers left and the place started to resemble a college dorm over luxury apartment complex. The sketchy neighbors moved out this weekend (yeah!) but so did the ones I really liked (boo!). I will definitely be moving soon, not sure if I'm going to break my lease or not. I guess it all depends on that stupid phone call/email I'm waiting for.
At least I know I'm not the most patient person out there :)
I want to know what happened to spring? Last week was cool and we had frost warnings, this weekend was hot and humid, well over 80 degrees. I almost broke down and turned on the A/C, but I resisted and just turned on the small fan in my room. Poor Lupe was pretty hot.
Speaking of Lupe, she is fighting another UTI and conjunctivitis in one eye. This poor dog just can't catch a break. I'm thinking that her getting sick all the time has to have an environmental component because she was never sick like this before we moved into the apartment and even after we moved it wasn't bad until the caretakers left and the place started to resemble a college dorm over luxury apartment complex. The sketchy neighbors moved out this weekend (yeah!) but so did the ones I really liked (boo!). I will definitely be moving soon, not sure if I'm going to break my lease or not. I guess it all depends on that stupid phone call/email I'm waiting for.
At least I know I'm not the most patient person out there :)
Monday, April 12, 2010
I'm in love...
...with Washington DC.
This past weekend I flew down to DC for my cousin's 40th birthday. Her husband had surprised her with a long weekend in DC and my brother and I thought it would be nice for me to surprise her and come down.
Getting down there was a nightmare! I got stuck in LaGuardia overnight because of rain and an unfriendly gate agent who wouldn't check to confirm that they were supposed to hold the flight for me. I spent the night in a hotel room across the street from the airport...loud and smelly and I got no sleep. Friday morning my flight from LaGuardia to Baltimore was delayed, but they put me on a flight to National, which worked out even better because its super close to where my brother lives. My original flight to Baltimore was eventually cancelled.
I spent Friday morning down by the Capitol and at the Museum of the American Indian. Really made me miss my work in Mexico. Jay and I had Ethiopian food for lunch...yummmm! I met up with Jill and Larry after lunch and walked around the mall for a while. Dinner was at an amazing Asian resturant in the city.
Saturday Jay and I went to the gym. Yes, I go to the gym on vacation if at all possible...I brought my spinning shoes and everything. We met up with Jill and Larry in lunch in Georgetown and then walked around for a while. What a beautiful part of the city. We all had dinner together and then went to a movie. After the movie, Jay and I went back into Georgetown for a drink and to talk. I really enjoy being with my brother, he's one of the most amazing people I know.
Sunday morning we drove around a little bit to look at places where he may want to buy a townhome or condo and then he drove me to the airport. Flights back were fine. I was absolutely exhausted when I got home and really just crashed until bedtime. Which means I have to unpack tonight. :(
It was a fantastic weekend and I got to see some of the most important people in my life for a happy occasion in a beautiful city. What else could a girl want?!
This past weekend I flew down to DC for my cousin's 40th birthday. Her husband had surprised her with a long weekend in DC and my brother and I thought it would be nice for me to surprise her and come down.
Getting down there was a nightmare! I got stuck in LaGuardia overnight because of rain and an unfriendly gate agent who wouldn't check to confirm that they were supposed to hold the flight for me. I spent the night in a hotel room across the street from the airport...loud and smelly and I got no sleep. Friday morning my flight from LaGuardia to Baltimore was delayed, but they put me on a flight to National, which worked out even better because its super close to where my brother lives. My original flight to Baltimore was eventually cancelled.
I spent Friday morning down by the Capitol and at the Museum of the American Indian. Really made me miss my work in Mexico. Jay and I had Ethiopian food for lunch...yummmm! I met up with Jill and Larry after lunch and walked around the mall for a while. Dinner was at an amazing Asian resturant in the city.
Saturday Jay and I went to the gym. Yes, I go to the gym on vacation if at all possible...I brought my spinning shoes and everything. We met up with Jill and Larry in lunch in Georgetown and then walked around for a while. What a beautiful part of the city. We all had dinner together and then went to a movie. After the movie, Jay and I went back into Georgetown for a drink and to talk. I really enjoy being with my brother, he's one of the most amazing people I know.
Sunday morning we drove around a little bit to look at places where he may want to buy a townhome or condo and then he drove me to the airport. Flights back were fine. I was absolutely exhausted when I got home and really just crashed until bedtime. Which means I have to unpack tonight. :(
It was a fantastic weekend and I got to see some of the most important people in my life for a happy occasion in a beautiful city. What else could a girl want?!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Old Friends
So the other night I posted on Facebook that its a true sign of a good friend when even after years you still just get each other. I was referring to one specific situation, Elisa, my college roommate, but it really is true of a lot of my friends. I could start rattling off the names and reasons why, but I don't have to because they knew who they are in my life and they know what they have, do and will mean to me.
I got in touch with another old friend last night...we had been playing message and phone tag for a few weeks, but last night, the voice on the other side of the line was the real person. I had a bombshell dropped on me right from the get go, that he had married the wrong person and was now looking at facing a divorce, which doesn't look like it will go smoothly or end amicbaly. So basically after close to 15 years of not talking to someone I find out his life is in shambles. Not what I had hoped for and not what I would have ever wanted for him in his life.
It seems he is also not supposed to talk to me because his wife gets upset when he talks to people he doesn't know. Now part of me understands how she feels, been there myself, but my situation was different. I hadn't asked for a break up (divorce doesn't work in my situation because I wasn't married) and then flipped out about my partner's habits and cell phone texts/calls. Of course I only know one side of this story, but knowing my friend, he is not in a good situation and needs to take care of himself and move on with his life.
Old friends, sometimes they come and go, but they are always a part of you.
I got in touch with another old friend last night...we had been playing message and phone tag for a few weeks, but last night, the voice on the other side of the line was the real person. I had a bombshell dropped on me right from the get go, that he had married the wrong person and was now looking at facing a divorce, which doesn't look like it will go smoothly or end amicbaly. So basically after close to 15 years of not talking to someone I find out his life is in shambles. Not what I had hoped for and not what I would have ever wanted for him in his life.
It seems he is also not supposed to talk to me because his wife gets upset when he talks to people he doesn't know. Now part of me understands how she feels, been there myself, but my situation was different. I hadn't asked for a break up (divorce doesn't work in my situation because I wasn't married) and then flipped out about my partner's habits and cell phone texts/calls. Of course I only know one side of this story, but knowing my friend, he is not in a good situation and needs to take care of himself and move on with his life.
Old friends, sometimes they come and go, but they are always a part of you.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!
St. Patrick's Day brings up my yearly debate about is corned beef Irish or Jewish? Of course it depends on how it is served. With cabbage, Irish, on toasted rye with mustard and a pickle, Jewish.
My preference? Definitely the Jewish version...cabage is NASTY!!!
That's all for today...too much going on in this crazy mind of mine to put down just yet... I am learning I'm not patient once I make up my mind about something though. LOL!!!
My preference? Definitely the Jewish version...cabage is NASTY!!!
That's all for today...too much going on in this crazy mind of mine to put down just yet... I am learning I'm not patient once I make up my mind about something though. LOL!!!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Sad News
I just found out a knitter friend of mine past away yesterday from colon cancer yesterday. She was diagnosed after having emergency surgery to remove her appendix and was pretty quiet about things at first. I remember sitting in the LYS on a knit-in night and hearing Nancy talk to another knitter, their conversation caught my attention when I heard Nancy mention cancer. I had noticed Nancy didn't seem well but no one seemed to know much.
A few months ago, my comadre told me that she had heard that treatment wasn't working and that Nancy was on pain management. Nancy made every effort to come to knit-ins (better efforts than I do and I'm healthy) and put on a smile while she was there. But you knew she was in pain and struggling.
The first time I met Nancy was probably in 2004 when CB took me to my first knit-in. I had been working on a first attempt at a blanket for my cousin's new daughter and made some horrible mistakes. Nancy sat down, analyzed it and told me that it was best to start over. She said not to worry that it happened to everyone and we pulled out the needles and started ripping back. I felt like I was a horrible, novice knitter, but had realized I was among friends.
The last time I saw Nancy was maybe a month ago. She came to a knit-in that I was at (with my comadre of course) and she looked tired and weak. We all sat around, knitted and it almost felt like Nancy was there to say good-bye. When we left I went over to Nancy, she told me to take care of myself, I told her the same and stroked her hair (which was quite thin) and squeezed her shoulder. CB and I walked out in tears and just gave each other a huge hug! CB saw her one other time, a day she brought Katharine to the shop, it was Nancy's first time meeting this beautiful little girl.
Nancy and her best friend Laurel would crack CB and I up. They were like an older version of the two of us. One blonde, one brunette. Both full of life. One married with a family, one single but with a family of friends that truly cared for her. Nancy's family didn't live in the area so her friends were her family. I can only imagine what Laurel is going through.
Nancy was supportive of everyone, knitting and otherwise. One night I was in a horrible spot and mood. Nancy asked me if I was okay and I said no. Her response was it was okay not to be okay and to go with the mood. She just got it sometimes. She would ask CB how I was doing after that and was happy to hear that I dusted myself off and am so happy and at peace now. What amazing woman...and I didn't even mention what a fantastic knitter she was!!!
I can only hope that Nancy now has the peace that she so deserves. I will miss her terribly and I know I'm not the only one. Be well dear friend...be well...
A few months ago, my comadre told me that she had heard that treatment wasn't working and that Nancy was on pain management. Nancy made every effort to come to knit-ins (better efforts than I do and I'm healthy) and put on a smile while she was there. But you knew she was in pain and struggling.
The first time I met Nancy was probably in 2004 when CB took me to my first knit-in. I had been working on a first attempt at a blanket for my cousin's new daughter and made some horrible mistakes. Nancy sat down, analyzed it and told me that it was best to start over. She said not to worry that it happened to everyone and we pulled out the needles and started ripping back. I felt like I was a horrible, novice knitter, but had realized I was among friends.
The last time I saw Nancy was maybe a month ago. She came to a knit-in that I was at (with my comadre of course) and she looked tired and weak. We all sat around, knitted and it almost felt like Nancy was there to say good-bye. When we left I went over to Nancy, she told me to take care of myself, I told her the same and stroked her hair (which was quite thin) and squeezed her shoulder. CB and I walked out in tears and just gave each other a huge hug! CB saw her one other time, a day she brought Katharine to the shop, it was Nancy's first time meeting this beautiful little girl.
Nancy and her best friend Laurel would crack CB and I up. They were like an older version of the two of us. One blonde, one brunette. Both full of life. One married with a family, one single but with a family of friends that truly cared for her. Nancy's family didn't live in the area so her friends were her family. I can only imagine what Laurel is going through.
Nancy was supportive of everyone, knitting and otherwise. One night I was in a horrible spot and mood. Nancy asked me if I was okay and I said no. Her response was it was okay not to be okay and to go with the mood. She just got it sometimes. She would ask CB how I was doing after that and was happy to hear that I dusted myself off and am so happy and at peace now. What amazing woman...and I didn't even mention what a fantastic knitter she was!!!
I can only hope that Nancy now has the peace that she so deserves. I will miss her terribly and I know I'm not the only one. Be well dear friend...be well...
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Time to sing...
Today would have been her 65th birthday!!!
Today would have been her 65th birthday!!!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
The waiting is the hardest part...
So as some of you may know I have been working through some potentially life altering decisions lately. Now that I have decided to act on things I am in a waiting mode. I am not the most patient person and I have had a couple of "what have I done?" moments but I am trying to remember that life is about experiences and sometimes taking risks and sometimes that involves a leap of faith. So, I lept and now hoping I don't go splat! I guess if I do, I just pick myself up and keep going forward. Keep your fingers crossed and send as many good vibes, prayers and thought that you can. Will keep you all posted!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
February 14th
Day I started a new job, 10 years ago. Its crazy to think that I've been there for 10 years. My department bought me a cake a week and a half ago (boss is currently traveling so they did it beforehand). Got a glass plaque with my name on it and a pair of white gold hoops from work. CEO sent me a congratulatory email and lots of people have been stopping me and congratulating me.
As for Valentine's Day? I can take it or leave it. Never been a big fan of the holiday, its up there with New Years Eve on my list of least favorites. Why do you need a day contrived by a card company to tell the person you love that you love them. They should always know that. I try to make sure the people I care about know that everyday. But to those who do like the sentiment behind today, I do hope you have a happy Valentine's Day!
As for Valentine's Day? I can take it or leave it. Never been a big fan of the holiday, its up there with New Years Eve on my list of least favorites. Why do you need a day contrived by a card company to tell the person you love that you love them. They should always know that. I try to make sure the people I care about know that everyday. But to those who do like the sentiment behind today, I do hope you have a happy Valentine's Day!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Four years...
Its been that long since Mom passed away. I miss her every day but today it hurts a little more. I took the day off today, didn't want to deal with the stress of work and I figured it was a good idea to just be me. I had some errands to run, had lunch with a friend and got to see my comadre and her kids. Tonight just hanging with Lupe, keeping a low profile. Tomorrow back to work and have a massage scheduled in the evening.
7:32 pm February 3,2006...I will always remember where I was and how I watched the most influential and important person in my life let go of the pain and suffering she felt and endured in this life and move to a peaceful existence for all eternity.
I may have lost her in the physical sense (and how much I would love her to hug me again) but she is forever in my heart. I love and miss you Mom!
7:32 pm February 3,2006...I will always remember where I was and how I watched the most influential and important person in my life let go of the pain and suffering she felt and endured in this life and move to a peaceful existence for all eternity.
I may have lost her in the physical sense (and how much I would love her to hug me again) but she is forever in my heart. I love and miss you Mom!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Bad Facebook Status
"Wife broken. Need replacement" when that wife is your cousin and the status was added by her husband. It turns out that she fell on Friday and broke her foot. She's now in a cast for 6 weeks! The poor thing! I guess its good that she doesn't live up here where it is freezing and walking with crutches could be even more dangerous and that she didn't do this in the heat of the Florida summer. Hey, my family (both sides) is not the most graceful...I am proof of that one!
Good vibes to Jules today as she goes for a PET scan...hoping and pray for a N.E.D. result! Love ya girl!!!
Happy Monday!!!
Good vibes to Jules today as she goes for a PET scan...hoping and pray for a N.E.D. result! Love ya girl!!!
Happy Monday!!!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Time Marches On...
People come into your life and some stay and some go. The ones that go sometimes go for good reasons and some others for not so good reasons. Sometimes we think of where we have been and those who have touched our lives in some way, maybe just in passing, maybe on a deeper level.
Today is one of those days...
Today is one of those days...
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
I am waiting to hear back from Lupe's vet. I got a voicemail from her (wouldn't you know the 5 minutes I am out of my office is when she called) saying that she was able to remove the growth from her lip without having to put her under. So what about the one on her nose? I called back but she was in an appointment. Now I'm waiting, again! She was brought into surgery later than I had expected but I'm glad its done. I just want to know what was done, what potentially wasn't done and when I can go get her! I'm not the most patient person sometimes...
If you sent good vibes our way, thank you! The support and reassurance I have gotten from friends and family are so appreciated! I just want to bring her home...she's probably pissed that she hasn't been able to sleep all day.
If you sent good vibes our way, thank you! The support and reassurance I have gotten from friends and family are so appreciated! I just want to bring her home...she's probably pissed that she hasn't been able to sleep all day.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Good vibes and thoughts
My friend Jules had her reconstruction surgery yesterday and all went well. She had the tissue expanders replaced with full implants. She may be far away but I send her good vibes every day. Now its time to send her ones for a speedy recovery so she can tackle the next step in her treatment and fight. If anyone I know in the world can remain so strong and upbeat when faced with such adversity, its Jules! :)
Now I need good vibes and thoughts for my sweet girl, Lupe. I noticed the other day that she had super stinky breath and was really licking her lips. I finally got a look at her mouth last night and she has a growth (which I knew was there) on the side of her lip. It was much bigger than the last time I had looked at it and covered with dried blood and pus. Great, its infected! We went to the vet today and it needs to come off. Because of the location, she needs to be put under for the procedure. The procedure shouldn't take long, but putting a 12 1/2 year old dog under general anethesia is a higher risk than a dog half her age. She is on antibiotics for 2 weeks and if her blood work comes back normal, we are a go for surgery on Tuesday. Also, if she is okay while under the anethesia, they will try to remove the bump on her nose. You can see it in this picture...the one on her lip is the same size, if not bigger.
I am trying to hold it together and I do trust the vet and their technicians to monitor her closely and have her come through just fine...but its my Pooh Bear and I'm a nervous wreck. So, good thoughts, good vibes and little prayers for this sweet girl are appreciated. :)
Now I need good vibes and thoughts for my sweet girl, Lupe. I noticed the other day that she had super stinky breath and was really licking her lips. I finally got a look at her mouth last night and she has a growth (which I knew was there) on the side of her lip. It was much bigger than the last time I had looked at it and covered with dried blood and pus. Great, its infected! We went to the vet today and it needs to come off. Because of the location, she needs to be put under for the procedure. The procedure shouldn't take long, but putting a 12 1/2 year old dog under general anethesia is a higher risk than a dog half her age. She is on antibiotics for 2 weeks and if her blood work comes back normal, we are a go for surgery on Tuesday. Also, if she is okay while under the anethesia, they will try to remove the bump on her nose. You can see it in this picture...the one on her lip is the same size, if not bigger.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
I can't believe I did it...
"What?" you may ask...I just ordered a blackberry! I've been realizing that sometimes I need to be more connected than I am, especially since I rarely boot up my laptop and sign on at home. I hardly ever check Facebook (probably still won't do that much...kind of over the Facebook thing). I do check personal email, but only once a day and really never answer anyone. A lot of things I do on the internet is at work during lunch or before I start my day. My computer is just too much of a pain and too slow. It constantly freezes and often I have to wait 30 minutes for it to update and consider letting me log in. Finally, with being on the JLSS board next year, I'm going to need to be a little more accessible.
So, despite all of my claims of how I like not to be connected, as of Friday, I will be more connected. But I realize, I control that connectivity. I don't have to have it on all the time and I don't have to go online or check email unless I want to. Its not a work issued blackberry, its a Kori issued blackberry...so I control it and when I use it.
Still...kind of scared :)
So, despite all of my claims of how I like not to be connected, as of Friday, I will be more connected. But I realize, I control that connectivity. I don't have to have it on all the time and I don't have to go online or check email unless I want to. Its not a work issued blackberry, its a Kori issued blackberry...so I control it and when I use it.
Still...kind of scared :)
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Woo hoo!!!
Need to share a few woo hoo moments...
1. Monday got a call from the vet, the urine sample they took from Lupe almost 2 weeks prior did not grow any cultures. Her UTI is officially cleared up!!!
2. Found out last night that I have been slated to be on the board of my Junior League...in charge of membership. This is only my 2nd year with the league and they already want me on the board. The new president-elect is my mentor this year and she so rocks! It will be a great experience and I really like all the other board members. It just needs to be voted on by the general membership which will probably happen in the next month or so.
3. Just took my certification exam for IACCM (www.iaccm.com which is an international commercial contract managers association) and I got a 97% on it. I have been studying for a couple of weeks and probably overstudied...we had 2 hours to complete the exam, I did it in 15 minutes. Done with my self assessment (which my boss has to approve) and just have a case study example I have to do. I think the case study will be the hardest part.
4. Going to see a friend that I have seen in over 6 months tonight. Excited to reconnect with her and see what she has been up to. She's also had a 2nd nose surgery since I've seen her, can't wait to see how amazing she looks!
5. Might have sold my snowboard, boots and bindings. One person wants to buy the board, the other the boots and bindings. Extra cash is ALWAYS good!
So, woo hoo to me!!! I may even do a little dance!
1. Monday got a call from the vet, the urine sample they took from Lupe almost 2 weeks prior did not grow any cultures. Her UTI is officially cleared up!!!
2. Found out last night that I have been slated to be on the board of my Junior League...in charge of membership. This is only my 2nd year with the league and they already want me on the board. The new president-elect is my mentor this year and she so rocks! It will be a great experience and I really like all the other board members. It just needs to be voted on by the general membership which will probably happen in the next month or so.
3. Just took my certification exam for IACCM (www.iaccm.com which is an international commercial contract managers association) and I got a 97% on it. I have been studying for a couple of weeks and probably overstudied...we had 2 hours to complete the exam, I did it in 15 minutes. Done with my self assessment (which my boss has to approve) and just have a case study example I have to do. I think the case study will be the hardest part.
4. Going to see a friend that I have seen in over 6 months tonight. Excited to reconnect with her and see what she has been up to. She's also had a 2nd nose surgery since I've seen her, can't wait to see how amazing she looks!
5. Might have sold my snowboard, boots and bindings. One person wants to buy the board, the other the boots and bindings. Extra cash is ALWAYS good!
So, woo hoo to me!!! I may even do a little dance!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Lumper or Splitter
Okay, so I found this story really interesting...
Most likely because of my graduate training and spending time in Mexico and Guatemala. To think that people are going to put down Maya, Mixtec, Nahua, Zapotec, etc. on the 2010 census is mind blowing. It makes me smile to think that people are proud of the heritage when they have been discriminated even murdered because of it in the past.
I remember being in a small village in Guatemala and having to have a translator because some people didn't speak Spanish, but Tzutujil, the native Mayan dialect of the region. It completely floored me.
But I wonder, do most Americans put down that they are of Irish, Italian, German, etc. descent? Maybe we should. So, are you a lumper (all European ethnicities are the same? all Native American ethnicities are the same?)? Or are you a splitter (each ethnicity should be counted and acknowledge)? Wow, I guess you can take the girl out of anthropology but you don't take anthropology out of the girl. Indiana Kordo still lives!!!
Most likely because of my graduate training and spending time in Mexico and Guatemala. To think that people are going to put down Maya, Mixtec, Nahua, Zapotec, etc. on the 2010 census is mind blowing. It makes me smile to think that people are proud of the heritage when they have been discriminated even murdered because of it in the past.
I remember being in a small village in Guatemala and having to have a translator because some people didn't speak Spanish, but Tzutujil, the native Mayan dialect of the region. It completely floored me.
But I wonder, do most Americans put down that they are of Irish, Italian, German, etc. descent? Maybe we should. So, are you a lumper (all European ethnicities are the same? all Native American ethnicities are the same?)? Or are you a splitter (each ethnicity should be counted and acknowledge)? Wow, I guess you can take the girl out of anthropology but you don't take anthropology out of the girl. Indiana Kordo still lives!!!
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