Now I need good vibes and thoughts for my sweet girl, Lupe. I noticed the other day that she had super stinky breath and was really licking her lips. I finally got a look at her mouth last night and she has a growth (which I knew was there) on the side of her lip. It was much bigger than the last time I had looked at it and covered with dried blood and pus. Great, its infected! We went to the vet today and it needs to come off. Because of the location, she needs to be put under for the procedure. The procedure shouldn't take long, but putting a 12 1/2 year old dog under general anethesia is a higher risk than a dog half her age. She is on antibiotics for 2 weeks and if her blood work comes back normal, we are a go for surgery on Tuesday. Also, if she is okay while under the anethesia, they will try to remove the bump on her nose. You can see it in this picture...the one on her lip is the same size, if not bigger.

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