Running Progress

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Lumper or Splitter

Okay, so I found this story really interesting...

Most likely because of my graduate training and spending time in Mexico and Guatemala. To think that people are going to put down Maya, Mixtec, Nahua, Zapotec, etc. on the 2010 census is mind blowing. It makes me smile to think that people are proud of the heritage when they have been discriminated even murdered because of it in the past.

I remember being in a small village in Guatemala and having to have a translator because some people didn't speak Spanish, but Tzutujil, the native Mayan dialect of the region. It completely floored me.

But I wonder, do most Americans put down that they are of Irish, Italian, German, etc. descent? Maybe we should. So, are you a lumper (all European ethnicities are the same? all Native American ethnicities are the same?)? Or are you a splitter (each ethnicity should be counted and acknowledge)? Wow, I guess you can take the girl out of anthropology but you don't take anthropology out of the girl. Indiana Kordo still lives!!!

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