Running Progress

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Feeling old today...

Today is the 21st birthday of a friend of mine. Yes, I still have friends turning 21 :)

Emma is the daughter of my friends Adele and Saul who live near me and just amazing people! I met Emma on her 4th birthday...she was one of the kids in the class at the day care center I worked at in college. Emma turned 4 as I was starting my fall semester of my senior year. She's now starting the fall semester of her junior year at Smith, she the captain of their soccer team, and now legal to go and buy herself a drink. How scary is that!!!

I remember my 21st birthday very well. There was no crazy night out, there was no buying myself a drink. On my 21st birthday my Mom came home from the hospital after having 2 massive heart attacks. I was so happy to have her home, but I remember feeling a little cheated. So my aunt bought me a bottle of peppermint schnapps and my cousin and I sat on the front steps of my parents' house and drank grasshoppers. I also remember my mom giving me a stuffed bear with a honey jar with fake honey and bees all over him. She probably bought it at the gift shop in the hospital and it was probably a last ditch effort to hold on to her "little girl". Amazing how life goes sometimes...

Happy birthday Emma and congrats to Adele and Saul for getting this far! Its quite the accomplishment for you all!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Amazing Monday

Did I really just write that? Guess I did! Why was my Monday so amazing? A few different reasons...

1. I'm getting my first "official" client at work. I will slowly begin transitioning to be the main point of contact for one of the firm's clients. I've been working with them for a while and it seems like the natural progression. I'm already "unofficially" the point of contact for another client, but not sure if that will be made "official" or if it already is.

2. I was invited to a client lunch in a couple of weeks with one of the senior attorneys at the suggestion of one of the principals. My boss can't make it that day, so they thought it would be a good idea to introduce me as a new employee and a potential resource for them.

3. Lupe had another great day at day care. I picked her up and she was limping a little, same issue with her paw as she has had for over a year, but she got over it quickly. I brought her home and figured that she would just be exhausted. She was WIRED! I was in the other room and I could hear her running around and barking. Day care seems to be really good for her.

4. I found a really good sushi place nearby and I got to go there with a friend from Albany who was in the area for business. Good food and good company.

Guess that's it...not to thrilling but I like to find happiness in little things sometimes!!! YEAH!!!