Running Progress

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Quick Update

Dad is doing well. I was with him every day since last Thursday and I came back home yesterday afternoon. He has a very long road ahead of him, but he needs to make some changes in his lifestyle and I can only hope he will (and provide as much encouragement as possible). It really upset me to leave him yesterday. But my brother is there now and will spend the weekend with him.

Back to work and trying to dig myself out of the emails and things on my plate...oh joy...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Surgery, surgery and now more surgery

So, update on my shoulder. Surgery went well. Loved the "happy juice" they gave me. Was off of work Tuesday through Friday last week so today was my first day back, man was I buried. Went for my follow up appointment today and that went well. I am out of the sling and the mega bandage, although they found out that I am very sensitive to the tape used during and after surgery. Sounds like my mom. :) I can now move and really don't have restrictions unless it hurts. Will be going to PT as well to make sure it doesn't freeze. So far, so good. And Steve was wonderful and so helpful...I'm so thankful for him.

Surgery #2 belongs to my dad. He went in for an angioplasty today b/c they found blockages during his stress test last week. This leads to...

Surgery #3 also belongs to my dad. He is looking at quadruple bypass surgery Thursday or Friday. I'm really nervous and scared for him and obviously he is as well. My mom, Poppi, and uncle all went through it and did well. I'm hopeful that he will do the same.

Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sunday Night, blah

I hate Sunday nights. Always have, probably b/c its the end of the weekend and Monday morning is just a few short hours away. Although this is a super short week b/c my shoulder surgery is Tuesday morning so I'm only working on Monday.

Not the greatest weekend for me, but not the worst either. Dad & Mary were supposed to come visit on Saturday but they ended up in Vermont and not New York. I did get the apartment cleaned and ran a bunch of errands. And did I mention the knitting I got done?! :)

Today I went to Steve's house to check on Zippy-Cat. Zippy is doing well, very lonely. Its hard to be in the house, let's just leave it at that. Afterwards I went to CB's and went to get pumpkins with her wonderful family. Alex and I fed the animals (goats, sheep, a donkey, calf) which was SO much fun!!! Caught up on my bills and am now trying to get some dinner in my stomach...its only 8:05 pm and I haven't eaten since breakfast. Not that I'm hungry, but I must eat.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I went for an hour massage last night. Steve had gotten me a gift certificate for a local spa for the holidays last year and I hadn't used it. It was wonderful and I've scheduled another one in 8 weeks, partially b/c I loved it and partially b/c I still have $$ left on the gift certificate. I've found the problem with going for a massage, driving afterwards. :)

Tonight I'm going to dinner at CB's house and then she and I are going to the Spinning Room for the knit in. I know, I know its the high holidays and I'm knitting. I can't go to services (need to belong to a temple for that) and since I can't do that, I figured being with support and wonderful women is a good thing for me. Also, this may be my last knit in for a while b/c my surgery is Tuesday.

So for now, knit on!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Welcome to the 1 year club!!!

Happy 1st birthday to my cousin's little girl Dara...she turned 1 yesterday!!!

Happy 1st anniversary to Julie and Bob...their anniversary is today!!!

First years of life and marriages are tough and SO worth celebrating. Sorry I can't be with you all but please know that you are in my thoughts!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

1 Month

Just thought I would let everyone know that I've been in my apartment for just about 1 official move in date was August 29th, I spent the nights of the 30th and 31st there with Lupe and Steve, and my first night alone was September 1st.

Still have a lot of things I want to do but I do love the place!!! Amazing how much clarity a month can give you!

To my Jewish friends, L'shanah tovah!!!


So, I had to renew my registration in September. I waited until my new address was activated and sent in the registration with the address change (b/c you can't do an address change online with a registration renewal). I also sent in a change of address for a new license. Now the DMV has cashed the check for the registration renewal but not for the license. I checked online today and my license should be mailed tomorrow (check is still not cashed). I couldn't check the status of my registration b/c I didn't do it online (which as I stated they don't allow when you also need to change your address). Here's the kicker...

My registration expired yesterday and I still don't have a new registration. So I called DMV (which took my 1/2 of the morning to not get a busy signal) and after a 10 minute wait on hold I spoke to a lovely customer service representative. She informed me that I didn't need to renew my registration b/c it was valid until 9/10...duh, that's b/c I just renewed it. She told me that the transaction was processed on September 9th and I informed her I still did not have my new registration. After confirming my mailing address, she said she could send another one out to me which would take 5-7 business days. When I asked what I was supposed to do between now and then she told me I could get a ticket if a cop wants to pull me over. Really? I would never have known that an expired registration is grounds for (1) pulling someone over and (2) writing a ticket. She then told me it was best not to call for this type of thing. So I asked her what I was supposed to do and she directed me to my nearest DMV location who can issue me a new registration on the spot, for $3 of course.

Now, doesn't the State of New York make enough from us on taxes, fees, etc. that they don't need to charge someone for documents that they were supposed to send but were never received?
