Running Progress

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sweet Sixteen

Today is my Little Sister's 16th birthday. I can't believe she is 16 already! I decided to become a Big Sister after my Grandma died in 2001. I wanted to do something positive with my time and I figured it was a great organization.

After months of filling out applications, background checks, training and waiting, Amie and I were finally matched in March of 2002. She had just turned 9 and had been waiting for a Big Sister since her previous Big got married and ended the match. Our visit thing we did together? Rollerskating! It was a BLAST!!!

Over the years, I have watched how Amie has grown and matured. The 9-year old that was shorter than me, now towers over me. The poor student is now an honor student. The shy and sometimes hard little girl has turned into a warm, open and polite teenager. The girl who needed my mentoring, friendship and caring has given the same back to me so many times.

Tonight she has a basketball game and I'm going to watch showing up with her birthday card and a dozen pink roses. I'm so proud of who she is and who she has the potential to be.

Happy Birthday Amie!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Will you still need me, will you still feed me?

Today is my Mom's birthday, she would have been 64 (hence the Beatles reference). I sang happy birthday to her with Lupe this morning. And even added her famous line "You're 64" to the end. :)

Its a big day for my brother and me. My brother's interview for the position in Geneva is today at 10 am. He and I talked about it in length over the weekend. If he gets it, he has a lot of decisions to make and wants me to help make them, act kind of like a sounding board I guess.

My evaluation is at 9 am. My boss has told me that I'm going to be happy, but honestly, I've heard that in the past and nothing really happens. I'm ready to move forward and would like to do it hear, but if they don't give me the chance, I'll have to consider my options.

But its a happy day because its a day to celebrate my Mom and the impact she had on the world, especially on her 2 children.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!! Love and miss you more than words can express!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Closing doors...

Don't they say that when a door shuts for you, another opens somewhere else? My question is, how do you find the door that has opened and how to secure the closed one to stay shut?

I realized today that sometime we think we make an impact on people's lives and we really don't. Its a painful thing to come to grips with and its bothering me today.

On a brighter note, today is my oldest friend's birthday. I met Jill when I was going into kindergarten and she was entering first grade. Her family moved to my street and my mom sent my brother and I over with brownies (or were they cookies?). Jay and I were too scared and shy to go over, so my mom had to walk us over. Over the years we had our spats and we grew apart, but Jill was my best friend growing up and she means a lot to me.

Tomorrow is my review and Jay's interview. We are both anxious about things, but its February 24th. We both believe that things happen for a reason. Why would both of these things be scheduled tomorrow if she wasn't looking down at us and didn't have good news coming our way?

Keeping my fingers crossed for both of us. We both could use some good news!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Back from Cali

*sigh* what a wonderful weekend! Did I really have to come back? I'm going to be lazy and steal Julie's post of the can find it here...

Back to reality for me. But with a clear head and extremely relaxed. I could never thank Julie, Bob, Cooper, Hunter and Winnie enough! THANK YOU GUYS!!! YOU SO ROCK!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

7:32 pm

Its one of those things that you just don't forget. 7:32 pm, Friday, February 3, 2006 is the moment my life changed in a way I never expected. It was when, surrounded by her husband, 2 children and sister, that she let go and moved on. I truly believe she waited to be in her home, surrounded by those who loved her most and then moved on to a place where there was no more pain, sickness and suffering.

7:32 pm. I stopped my watch at that very moment and have never warn it again. I remember the events of the day like it was yesterday. I could probably retell every moment. People have told me that it gets easier and the memories will fade. In some respects, maybe I believe them and in others I do not. I don't want it to be "easier" because living on without the single most influential person in your life isn't easy and that's okay. I don't want the memories to fade because I'm glad I can remember so much.

I don't dwell and I'm not stuck in a time 3 years ago. I'm a very different person than I was back then. In some respects I know she would be proud of me and in others she would be screaming at me for being so naive. But either way, she would still love me.

I love and miss you so much Mom!!!