Running Progress

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I am waiting to hear back from Lupe's vet. I got a voicemail from her (wouldn't you know the 5 minutes I am out of my office is when she called) saying that she was able to remove the growth from her lip without having to put her under. So what about the one on her nose? I called back but she was in an appointment. Now I'm waiting, again! She was brought into surgery later than I had expected but I'm glad its done. I just want to know what was done, what potentially wasn't done and when I can go get her! I'm not the most patient person sometimes...

If you sent good vibes our way, thank you! The support and reassurance I have gotten from friends and family are so appreciated! I just want to bring her home...she's probably pissed that she hasn't been able to sleep all day.

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