Running Progress

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Knit on!!!

Well, the boy is out of town so I've been catching up on reading and knitting. Not that I can't do it when he's around, but the house is quiet and I need to keep busy.

Last night went to the knit-in a the lys with bf and finished my latest pair of socks! I'm completely addicted to knitting worsted/sport weight socks on 2 circular needles. Bought the yarn for the next pair, but I'm branching out and doing 2 color socks this time...this should be interesting. I also bought yarn for my cousin's new daughter who was born on 4/1!!! Don't have the needle for it, but I ordered that today. I casted on my next sock (not worsted weight) but I haven't done anything else on it. I have a sock 1/2 finished that is stewing b/c I dropped a stitch and I just don't feel like dealing with it yet.

Tonight, I need to go to the mall and then I'm tackling this new sock. I can't wait!!! Especially since I've been having a crappy day at work...grrrr...

Knit on!!!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

I'm almost done with the pair I've been working on for what seems like forever. Woot! Can't wait to cast on the next pair. But I think I have to do the baby blanket first. Still deciding. LOL!