Running Progress

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Today I got an email from our VP of HR that one of the members of our Business Development department passed away last night. He had been sick for under a month with what was originally thought to be an ear infection. From what I have heard there was a pooling of blood or fluid at the base of his brain that was inoperable and if they did try to fix it he would have most likely ended up a quadriplegic, deaf and blind. He was admitted to hospice last week and has succumbed to his condition.

He had only been with our company for a couple of months and I didn't work with him very closely, but he was very friendly. He and I spoke about corporate softball teams, he used to run a league in his old position, and I even mentioned to him that he should contact Steve to see if he needed a pitcher for next season.

I'm truly saddened by his passing. It makes everything I've been going through seem trivial. But at the same time, it shows me life is short and you should treasure what you have had and enjoy what you got and be hopeful of what your future may bring.

Today, take a moment and look at where you've been, where you are and where you want to be. Be thankful for it all and do what you can to keep you focused on the good in life and people. We never know when it may all be taken away from us for one reason or another.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Well said. I'm so sorry for that man's passing. Some people I work with have just returned to work after battling life threatening illnesses and it really does make us think long and hard about what is important and what we should spend our time thinking about and doing (and what we should NOT be wasting time thinking about and doing), doesn't it!?