Running Progress

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

So, how did I do?

Early this year I posted some resolutions that I had set for 2009. Not a big fan of resolutions as often we set them and break them so quickly. Also, people set shallow goals and not things that will make them a better person, happier or improve the world in general. So, here are the ones I set and my thoughts on how I did...

1. Take better care of myself (physically and emotionally). - I think I did pretty well on this. I've stayed in shape (for the most part, minus some set backs due to health and schedules). I've let go of a lot and really don't let things bother me the way they used to. I will continue this into 2010, that's for sure!

2. Be a better daughter, sister, cousin, friend and "mom" to those I care about the most. - Okay, so define "better"'ve tried to be more focused on my life and those that I care about and those who care about me. I was able to spend time with my cousins and their families. I got to visit Jules in CA and see her when she headed back East. I reconnected with some friends that I had drifted from and even strengthed other friendships. As for the "mom", Lupe is everything to me. She had a tough year with her health and I haven't balked when she needed a vet visit, medication, or just attention. Lupe is told every day that I love her and she gets a "G-d bless Lupe" everytime I leave the house. Again, I will continue this one into 2010.

3. Pay off more debt. - Didn't do as well as I had wanted to on this one. There were things that came up that required attention and money (still love Miss L) and that was tough on getting debt paid off. Will continue to watch expenses so that I can look into buying a home.

4. Be more patient and less jumpy towards people. - Hot and cold on this one...need to keep working on it. But there are a couple of instances where I bit my tongue and didn't snap at someone where previously I would have.

5. Achieve professional success and goals. - Got the promotion I wanted in February. Working on a certification for contract management. Been a good year on this one!

6. Do more things I like. - Check...definitely did this and very happy I did :)

So what's in store for 2010? Time will tell, but I am looking forward to the new year and prosperity, health and peace for us all. Well, for most of us :) For others, karma does come around. But I digress...

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