Running Progress

Friday, January 7, 2011

2011 Fitness Goals

So my trainer asked me to provide him with my fitness goals for 2011. I came up with no particular order...

1. Complete 4 - 6 road races
2. Train and complete a 1/2 marathon (will be one of the races for #1)
3. Run a sub 50 minute 5 miler (can be on a treadmill, but at a 1% incline)
4. Improve my balance and flexibility
5. Be able to do 5 pushups with one hand on a medicine ball, from my toes

I think they are all achievable. My 5 mile runs are 52-54 minutes right now. My longest run is 6 miles, about 1/2 way to the 1/2 marathon.

Hopefully I will keep posting and update my progress...should I make that a goal? LOL

Happy 2011

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Yes, that way you will keep holding yourself accountable. And we will too. LOL