Running Progress

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I would have preferred snow!

So the snow has stopped, but its been sleeting or raining since mid-morning. YUCK!!! So the snow is melting and we are expecting a flash freeze tonight. Really not looking forward to trying to get to my car tomorrow morning and driving to the gym on wicked icy roads.

Still thinking about what was happening 5 years ago this week. I'm not one for living in the past, but there are key moments in your life that will always be with you. I can say that I'm glad the weather wasn't like this then. Jay and I wouldn't have been able to get back to see her nor would Steffi been able to be with us. Jill wouldn't have been able to come up for the funeral. The weather was cool, but not freezing, especially for February standards. Things just came together for us, as best as the could considering the circumstances. Crazy how things happen that way sometimes.

My horoscope the last few days has been really spot on...

"The Moon enters your eighth house of sex, death and power, turning your mind to deep thoughts. The nature of life and death may perplex you when you try to understand it intellectually, so let go of any neurotic desire to make sense of what is not meant to be logical. Open your mind and heart if you want to be let in on the mysteries of life."

And yes, I still use the traditional dates and look at Gemini...there is no WAY I'm a Taurus!!! :)

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